Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Joint exhibition with Jabatan Pertanian

 At Parit Semarang,Air Hitam 25Feb2012
       At Parit Lapis, Batu Pahat 21April2012
                                           At Parit Tengah, Sri Merlung, Rengit 9May2012

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Lile inoculants for oil palm nursery

Nowadays, factors such as soil degradation, chemical pollution, the demand for safe food and more importantly, the rising cost of petroleum have forced farmers to seek other alternatives other than chemical inputs. The role of microbes in building up soil nutrients has often been ignored and a ‘living soil’ is the ultimate goal. Soil enhancer includes composts, microbial inoculants and enzyme preparations used for enriching soil (Paper presented at International Workshop on Sustained Management of the Soil-Rhizophere System for Efficient Crop Production and Fertlizer Use, 16-20 October 2006, Land Developemt Department Bangkok 10900 Thailand).

The role of microbes in building LILE inoculants are 4-in-1 microbial inoculants (Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus mucilaginosus, Azatobacter chroococcum, Rhizobium japonicum) to boost the performances of organic fertilizer. This trial was run to compare crop (oil palm seedlings) performances using  bio organic fertilizer (BOF) WITH and WITHOUT LILE Inoculants as potting material, from the date of sowing until the transplanting date.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Paddy planting

We have this paddy test plot at Tanjung Karang, Kuala Selangor  :

a)4 July 2012, 60kg Lile inoculants for 1 plot (3 acre) paddy testing, usual practice is after land preparation (plough 2-3 times) , organic fertilizer(100kg)  to be added followed by pesticides.
At this stage En Azali/ farmer blended  60kg Lile inoculants with the organic fertilizer.

b) Aug2012, Paddy seedling transferred to plot and  water level increased. Urea is added to improve leaves nutrition (for this plot he is reducing usage  from 120 to 80kg, to see any differences)

c) 6 Sep 2012, the paddy already 1 month old

For the coming month  chemical fertilizer (for better yield) and insecticides to be added stage by stage. It took about 110-150 days to harvest the paddy.

En Azali has charted a development scale:
a)       Organic and chemical fertilizer usage
b)       insecticides and pesticides usage
c)         Yield 

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Planting Alocasia sp. around the chalets

                                                      Plot B    With Lile Inoculants
                                                Plot A       Without Lile Inoculants
This is the  update from Innoprise Jungle Lodge,Lahad Datu,Sabah , the results of using Lile inoculants in planting landscape plant . They used it for planting Alocasia sp. around the chalets. On 19 June 2012, holes were dug as a step of site preparation.  Lile inoculant and organic fertilizer were put into the holes in Plot B. Holes in Plot A are put with organic fertilizer without Lile innoculant. After 1 week (24 July 2012), Alocasia sp were planted on site

Plot  A
(without Lile Inoculant)
Plot B
(with Lile Inoculant)
Quantity of Planted Alocasia sp.                  40                   42
Quantity of plant that shooting (has new leaves)                  17                   24
Percentage of plants that are growing by 17 Jun 2012.                42.5%                 57.1%

Generally, plants with Lile inoculants grow faster

Friday, 13 July 2012

Cherry Tomato

This farm is located in Yong Peng whereby visitors  pick and pay in the farm. This farm is using organic fertilizer, visitors can enjoy leisurely while eating tomato at their own pace.

Adding Lile inoculants to the plants reduce curling leaves, bigger and greener leaves .
Further dosage of Lile inoculants will definitely  bring better yield and stronger plant growth

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Elaeis guineensis testing with MPOB

A total of 4000 oil palm seedlings (Elaeis guineensis) were established using Complete Randomized Block Design (CRBD) was established on 17/4/2012. Two types of treatments was carried out, namely Treatment A (LILE Inoculants + Anonymous brand organic fertiliser) and Treatment B (Anonymous brand organic fertiliser).  Details referred to table below:

Treatment A
Treatment B
Number of seedlings
Poly bag size
6’ X 9’
6’ X 9’
Amount of organic fertiliser
300 kg
300 kg
Amount of LILE inoculants
12 kg

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Pitaya-Xia Fruits Trading

Mr. Xia , whom from Xia Fruits Trading, run a fruits trading company in Yong Peng. Local fruits such as Pitaya, Guava, papaya  etc are grown locally. They import assortment of fruits like kiwi, orange, pear etc and distribute out to direct and indirect customers.

He is a gungho person, whom dare to test out new products.

Wish him success

Jambu Luohan

We are priviledged to work with MOA (Ministry of Agriculture) to test out our products with the owner , En Borham (2nd from right). En Borham is an experienced farmer, this farm at Parit Pedang Patah ,Minyak Beku . We are using MPOB F4 blend with our inoculants and spread to the crops 
From here we will monitor the progress through soil pH reading, yield and crop growth parameter.

Tuesday, 31 January 2012


The bagworm family is fairly small, with about 600 species described. Bagworm species are found globally, with some, such as the Snailcase Bagworm (Apterona helicoidella), settling continents where they are not native in modern times.

Most bagworms are inoffensive to humans and not at all conspicuous; some are occasional nuisance pests.

Witnessing spraying of Bacillus thuringiensis to  bagworm attacking palm oil estate in Chaah , Johor on 19Jan2012