Plot A Without Lile Inoculants
This is the update from Innoprise Jungle Lodge,Lahad Datu,Sabah , the results of using Lile inoculants in planting landscape plant . They used it for planting Alocasia sp. around the chalets. On 19 June 2012, holes were dug as a step of site preparation. Lile inoculant and organic fertilizer were put into the holes in Plot B. Holes in Plot A are put with organic fertilizer without Lile innoculant. After 1 week (24 July 2012), Alocasia sp were planted on site
Plot A
(without Lile Inoculant)
Plot B
(with Lile Inoculant)
| |
Quantity of Planted Alocasia sp. | 40 | 42 |
Quantity of plant that shooting (has new leaves) | 17 | 24 |
Percentage of plants that are growing by 17 Jun 2012. | 42.5% | 57.1% |
Generally, plants with Lile inoculants grow faster